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'It's unbelievable' | Mother to walk with son at Stanislaus State graduation ceremony

To pull the double graduation off, the family says it took a lot of sacrifice at home.

Jonathan Sarhadi, 28, and 49-year-old Shamiran Sarhadi are feeling good for a lot of reasons.

"I feel good and I don't have to go to classes anymore," Jonathan said.

Both are getting matching Master's degrees from Stanislaus State next week, but they didn't plan it that way.

"The plan was to enroll and get our MBA's. But, we really didn't think ahead of time to graduate at the same time because we were both enrolled in different programs," Jonathan said.

Specifically, the mother and son are getting Masters in Business Administration degrees. Mom is getting an Executive MBA.

"It's just unbelievable and also I think it's God's doing. And, I actually had excellent support," Shamiran said.

To pull the double graduation off, the family says it took a lot of sacrifice at home. Edward Sarhadi is the proud husband and dad.

"When the kids were smaller when she got her first degree she sacrificed a lot as far as our relationship. And, I sacrificed a lot so she could study," Edward Sarhadi said.

"There were times that I didn't cook. I didn't do much and he was a big part of it," Shamiran said.

Shamiran immigrated from Iran as a teen in 1986. She has a Computer Information Systems degree. Jonathan has a Psychology degree with a business minor.

Both of their degrees are also from Stanislaus State. So, who is a better student?

"My mother. She has a 4.0 GPA," Jonathan said.

Jonathan, one day, wants to become a full time faculty member at Stanislaus State or a corporate executive. Shamirin wants to move up to managing the purchasing department at UC Merced where she works now.

Whatever they do, it will be one grad walk they will never forget. Their ceremony will take place Thursday, May 24 at 6 p.m.

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