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It’s time to start talking about your gynecological health

Regular gynecologist visits can help screen for diseases and control symptoms many women experience throughout life. Sponsored by Virginia Mason Franciscan Health.

SEATTLE — From adolescence and puberty through the reproductive years and beyond, it is key we understand the stages of gynecological health. Providers at Virginia Mason Franciscan Health offer full spectrum women’s healthcare.

“That means taking care of the reproductive system throughout the entire lifespan, whether that’s issues with periods, birth control, prenatal care and delivering babies, menopause and surgical gynecology,” said Dr. Jillian Claire, obstetrician-gynecologist.

The stages of gynecological health include adolescence, reproductive years and menopause and beyond.

“I think it’s a great idea for someone to see their gynecologist for the first time around the time that they’re having that first period,” Dr. Claire said.

During this visit, girls can get support for any menstrual symptoms and discuss the HPV vaccine to prevent cancer-causing infections and precancers.

Care for the reproductive years includes family planning, contraception, prenatal and disorders of menses. Menopause care provides help for hormonal changes women experience during this time.

The most common issues Dr. Claire sees are trouble with periods, including fibroids and polyps and sexual health issues. This includes pain and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

“STIs can lead to infertility if they’re not treated soon enough, so that’s a huge thing,” Dr. Claire said.

Pap smears start at age 21 and should continue every three to five years to screen for cervical cancer. A yearly wellness visit helps screen for endometrial, ovarian and breast cancers.

Dr. Claire practices patient-centered care and talks individually with patients about the reason for their visit and what they’re hoping to achieve.

“I try to get a sense of their whole person and how best we can get them to a place that they want to be,” she said.

Find out more about patient-centered gynecological care on the Virginia Mason Franciscan Health website.

Sponsored by Virginia Mason Franciscan Health.

Segment Producer Suzie Wiley. Watch New Day Northwest at 11 a.m. weekdays on KING 5 and streaming live on KING5.com. Contact New Day. 

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