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Rapid Transit program moving forward in Pierce County

Pierce County leaders voted to move forward, creating Rapid Transit from Tacoma to Spanaway.

Pierce County Transit Board of Commissioners voted to move forward with a project to study and create a Bus Rapid Transit from Tacoma to Spanaway. It's a $150 million project that could have a big impact for riders.

Down Pacific Avenue, there is one bus that can get you between Tacoma and Spanaway.

"From my past experiences, I've been taking the 1 for a while and you always got to add 10 to 15 minutes just in case," said Davarius Anderson.

According to Pierce County Transit leaders, the delays on this route are common.

"Yeah, on the really busy days it can take over an hour, like 65 minutes or so, to make that trip," said Tina Lee with Pierce County Transit.

The proposed route for a new Bus Rapid Transit line will go from Commerce Street in downtown Tacoma down the Pacific corridor.

"BRT, they are almost double the size of a regular bus. They take approximately 90 cars off the road. It's like light rail on wheels," said Alexandra Mather.

The route would end 14.4 miles from downtown Tacoma.

Pierce Transit Leaders say the ride between the Pacific corridor to downtown would be reduced by 20 minutes. A much faster trip for those getting to and from work.

Pierce Transit leaders say the development of the project is still a few years out. They still have to figure out where it will stop, and where the stations will go. Right now, they're studying the ways to make it a faster route.

"You pay before you get on the bus so there will be some type of fare collection outside of the station,” said Lee. "And then there might be some queue jumps at certain intersections where the bus would pull up to the intersection and it would be in its own lane and get a little jump start over the rest of traffic.

Riders could first use these systems in 2022. For now, those like Anderson are just hoping to get to their destination on time.

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