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Family fundraising after flooding forces tear-down of Graham home, leaving owners with $38,000 bill

Shauna and Kevin Pelley owe $38,000 to Pierce County after their home along the Puyallup River was torn down earlier this month.

GRAHAM, Wash. — Shauna and Kevin Pelley still marvel at the nature that surrounds their property in Graham. Standing on the concrete foundation of where their dream home used to sit, the Pelleys have seen how Mother Nature gives — and takes. 

"Where the river is now was all our backyard," said Kevin Pelley. "The far bank of the river was the extent of our property."

The trouble began in November 2022, a month after the Pelleys moved into their dream home in Graham along the Puyallup River. 

"The flooding of November 2022 was a federally declared disaster," Kevin Pelley said. "But, Pierce County didn't qualify for individual assistance."

On top of that, Pierce County informed the Pelleys that they'd have to tear down the home if another major flood event happened in order to prevent it from falling into the river. 

Earlier in December, the county followed through and the house was demolished. 

After exhausting all of their available resources to try and save their home, the couple accepted the inevitable.

"This is what had to happen and we get the bill for it," said Kevin Pelley. That bill totals $38,000, Shauna Pelley said. 

But, the Pelleys say they are not giving up hope on trying to have insurance cover some of the cost. They've also started a fundraiser. Out of respect for the situation, KING 5 isn't sharing the total amount the family owes, but along with the $38,000 bill, there's still a mortgage hanging over their heads.

"Since the house was taken down during a flood event, since it was actively flooding on December 5 when it was torn down, we're hoping FEMA approves our flood insurance payout," Kevin Pelley said. 

Pierce County is offering them a three-year, interest-free payment plan. 

"We've had that 13 months to work through this and get through the stages of grief," Kevin Pelley said. "We are upset. Not angry at Pierce County, but I'm angry at the situation."


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