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Seattle scraps plan to build pickleball courts at Lincoln Park in West Seattle

The Seattle Parks and Recreation Department said it has found an alternate location in West Seattle to build the courts.

SEATTLE — Seattle Parks and Recreation Department is scrapping its plans to build pickleball courts at Lincoln Park in West Seattle.

"This place is everything, to me and the thousands of people behind this movement," said longtime resident Kersti Muul. She and several others have spent months advocating to preserve the heart of Lincoln Park. 

"It feels incredible, I feel like I can move onto other fights that I need to deal with, and I can close the book on this one," said Muul.

Muul lives near the popular park. Since last fall, she’s been spearheading protests against the proposed pickleball courts the city was considering building at the park, where tennis courts used to be. 

"There are a lot of environmental impacts,” said Muul. “The noise, they never confirmed they weren't going to light it which would've been catastrophic. There's tons of nocturnal animals that use this space." 

The Parks Department agreed to pause its plans and work with community members and wildlife experts. 

Christina Hirsch, a spokesperson with parks department, said in a statement that the department has "made great progress identifying another location to add another pickleball court to West Seattle and thus has decided to no longer pursue creating courts at Lincoln Park." 

Muul said this decision is a win for everyone in the community. 

“Pickleball players, people that enjoy nature, it's a win for the parks department, so I'm thrilled," she said. "I think it's important to fight for what you love and what you want to preserve. ... You can succeed."

The Parks Department did not provide any additional details or timeline on where the proposed pickleball courts will be built in West Seattle. 

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