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Plants that say 'I love the tweedle out of you'

Heart-shaped leaves and easy to grow, Ciscoe Morris shares the perfect Valentine plant to give. #newdaynw

SEATTLE — Houseplants are the ideal Valentine’s Day gift because they never stop giving. They often can just keep on growing and adding beauty to your home, and a plant received as a Valentine's Day gift will be a wonderful living memory of the day your sweet gave it to you.

Here are some suggestions for houseplants that make great Valentine's day gifts, because they aren't only attractive with heart-shaped leaves, they're also easy to grow.

Ceropegia woodii (String of Hearts) - What can send a message of love more than a plant with this name. Each little leaf is shaped like a heart. The String of Hearts (Ceropegia woodii) is a trailing succulent-like plant native to South Africa. The delicate heart-shaped foliage and slender vines can reach up to 12 feet long. Place your String of Hearts where it can receive plenty of bright indirect light. Small doses of direct sun are good, however too much direct sun can scorch the leaves. A few feet removed from a southern or western-facing window is ideal, or directly in a northern or eastern-facing window will also suffice.

Dischidia ruscifolia 'Variegata' 'Million Hearts' - Dischidias are trailing, twining, or vining epiphytes. Dischidia are specially adapted to develop a symbiotic relationships with ants & can grow modified leaves that in the wild act as housing or storage for the ant colonies that in return the favor by keeping the plants pest free! That's the equivalent of a husband who does the vacuuming! Do not let Dischidia sit in excess water. As epiphytes, in the wild they would be growing on tree trunks or branches in the forest understory where they would get most of their water just from dew or moisture in the air. Million hearts can be grown in full sun or high light conditions, but protect from harsh afternoon sun.

Philodendron cordatum 'Heart Leaf' is a lovely trailing houseplant with heart-shaped emerald green leaves sure to enchant your sweetheart even if she has a brown thumb. It's easy to care for and can tolerate an array of lighting conditions. It is an epiphytic plant native to Central America and the Carribean, and in its natural habitat would be found climbing up trees in the forest canopy. Like most Philodendron plants, the heart leaf thrives in bright but indirect light. However this plant will also adapt to low and medium light spaces. Growth will be slower in these conditions but the plant should remain healthy!

Hoya kerrii variegata (Hoya heart plant) With their succulent heart-shaped leaf, hoya heart plants make wonderful gifts for loved ones on valentine's Day. Best of all, these plants are as easy to take care of as they are to love, making them the perfect plant for beginners or people who travel frequently. Pet lovers can also feel confident about hoya heart plants, as they are not toxic to dogs or cats. Hoya heart plants thrive in bright light and require infrequent watering. The most important consideration is drainage: grow them in a well-draining soil and let them dry out between waterings.

Aglaonema 'Lady Valentine' - a very easy houseplant to grow. It presents gorgeous pink and green leaves that given as a valentine's Day gift will make your sweety swoon. It produces a light-green flower with a white center. They are perfect for just about any room of the house, especially if placed in filtered light. The roots prefer to be moist, but not so saturated that they begin to rot. Water the Lady Valentine Aglaonema when the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry to the touch, and do not let the soil dry out completely between waterings. 

Monstera Adansonii (Swiss Cheese Plant) - This magnificent green vining plant with big heart shaped fenestrated leaves (holes in leaves) is sure to break the heart with happiness of any sweety you give it to on Valentines day. The holes in the leaves give it a "Swiss Cheese" like appearance. Easy to grow, it can be attached to a moss pole or trellis to create a climbing effect. They are great for creating a romantic feel in your living room or bedroom. This plant likes relatively bright light out of direct sunlight and regular watering. It can get quite large, but can be easily pruned to keep it a desired size.

Happy Valentines day everyone!

Segment Producer Suzie Wiley. Watch New Day Northwest at 11 a.m. weekdays on KING 5 and streaming live on KING5.com. Contact New Day. 

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