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National Dwarfism Awareness and Acceptance Month

National Dwarfism Awareness and Acceptance Month
October is Dwarfism Awareness and Acceptance Month

Tens of thousands of people in the U-S are living with a form of dwarfism, a medical or genetic condition with the most noticeable feature being short stature. Over the last decade, little people have been gaining more recognition, through documentaries, reality shows, and hit television series, like HBO's "Game of Thrones," starring Emmy Award-winning actor Peter Dinklage. October is "Dwarfism Awareness Month," and host Margaret Larson was joined by Dr. Michael Goldberg, a specialist in Skeletal Dysplasia, and Christina Reynolds, who lives with a form of dwarfism.

Learn more about dwarfism by visiting the website for the non-profit organization: Little People of America

Connect with the group on Facebook and Twitter: @LPANational

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