The Jim Dever FAQ
Q: How tall are you?
A: I’m 5’7”, but I appear much taller and more attractive in real life.
Q: Are you from Seattle?
A: Yes, but only for the last 28 years. Before that I was from Ohio, Pennsylvania, California, then Pennsylvania again. I have a Pennsylvania problem.
Q: What do you love most about living in the Northwest?
A: Teriyaki. And Wanz. I mean, come on, the man’s name is WANZ!
Q: What do you enjoy doing when you’re not busy being an incredibly popular local television star?
A: Traveling to other countries and telling confused strangers that I’m very famous in America.
Q: You have two lovely children. Which one is your favorite?
A: I could never pick a favorite. But probably the funny-looking one. That one amuses me.