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Bellevue teacher creates online platform for educator collaboration amidst remote learning

Highland Middle School teacher Angelica Rodriguez uses Peromiss to share teaching tools, resources, and conversation. #k5evening

BELLEVUE, Wash. — Many teachers throughout the United States are feeling the stress of navigating remote learning.   And that's one reason why Highland Middle School teacher Angelica Rodriguez created Peromiss. It's an Instagram account that's all about teacher collaboration.

Rodriguez is a Spanish and language arts teacher at Highland Middle School in Bellevue. 

Her virtual classroom is a labor of love, filled with images of student work, inspirational historical figures, and art. 

Peromiss translated in English means "But Ms." Rodriguez said the name was inspired by her students. "It's their voices in my head reminding they are needing something," explains Rodriguez. 

Peromiss is where Rodriguez shares remote teaching tools and instructions, book suggestions, and she even created a digital planner.

"At the beginning of the month, there is space to pause and reflect on a physical goal, spiritual goal, and your emotional or mental goal for that week. I throw in book recommendations every month. So if you are uncertain about how to be an anti-racist educator, there are books that help you step into that path a bit more naturally, said Rodriguez.  

Peromiss is also a place where teachers can nurture themselves - mentally.

"As an educator, we are seen as teachers and leaders of the school and we have to be strong and never show vulnerability. Yes, I agree and at the same time there's a space to open up a bit more about that.  I know there are so many people who struggle with anxiety, on a daily basis, and have that overwhelming fear of whatever it is, said Rodriguez. 

As school gets underway, Rodriguez hopes teachers show themselves grace. She encourages teachers who are overwhelmed with the virtual learning curve to trust in the abilities they do have and the valuable experiences they bring to the classroom. 

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